Our Owners
Charles Robinson
I grew up cooking for my younger sisters and brothers while my mom worked nights. After I graduated high school, I joined the Navy where I was in the kitchen. Before long, I was on a supply ship, cooking for the Generals and Admirals. After the navy, I went back home where I worked in hospitals and restaurants. I’ve done everything in the kitchen - from short order cook to sauté to fryer to grill and every other station. Some of my favorite things have always been chicken wings and smoking ribs.
Jewuan Marshall
When Charles graduated high school and joined the navy, I took over the cooking. Once I was out on my own, I really only liked my own cooking and hardly ever ate out, so my friends usually came by my place to eat with me. Charles and I always celebrated the holidays together at my place, sharing the cooking and making the recipes we grew up on. The recipes for the Greens and Black-Eyed Peas came from our Mama, Sandra Jean.
Meet our Mascot RibTip
Everybody needs a friend, a cheerleader, somebody in their corner. That’s our mascot - RibTip! He’s always there for us, on our side and in our corner. He shows up now and then to help us out and meet our new friends - YOU, our great customers!